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Warranty Policy



Hanvon Ugee (HK) Technology Co., Limited (“XP-Pen”) represents and warrants to the original purchaser (“Purchaser” or "you") that Star/Artist/CP/AC’s devices (“Product”) are free from material defects, including improper or inferior workmanship, materials, and design, during the designated warranty period, and subject to the following terms and conditions, when used normally and in accordance with all operating instructions:

1. Warranty Period: Coverage under this warranty is limited to the following time periods:

Graphic tablet, Graphic display : 18 months from the date of purchase.

Accessories like Stylus & cable:  12 months from the date of purchase.

2. This limited warranty only applies to products manufactured by or for XP-Pen and that can be identified by the “XP-Pen” trademark, trade name, or logo affixed to them. The limited warranty does not apply to any non-XP-Pen products or software.

3. The limited warranty extends only to Purchasers who purchased the Product in XP-Pen official shop .

4. During the limited warranty period, XP-Pen will replace a new one instead of repair. Any parts of the Product that are defective or malfunctioning during normal usage. XP-Pen reserves the right to use new replacement parts in repair of the Product.

5. This limited warranty covers only the costs of parts, labor and replacement shipping cost.

6. At XP-Pen's request, Purchaser must provide proof of the date of the original purchase of the Product by a dated bill of sale or dated itemized receipt.

7. This limited warranty does not cover damage resulting from:

Abuse, accident, misuse, improper storage, exposure to liquid, moisture, or dampness;

External causes such as from a collision, fire, flooding, sand, dirt, windstorm, lightning, or earthquake;

Exposure to extreme weather conditions, Acts of God, theft, blown fuse, or improper use of any electrical source;

Computer or internet viruses, bugs, worms, Trojan Horses, cancel-bots;

Normal wear and tear of the Product;

Usage of Product other than in its normal and customary manner;

Improper testing, operation, maintenance, installation, or any alteration or modification of Product;

Consumable parts, such as batteries, unless damage has occurred due to a defect in XP-Pen materials and workmanship;

Service performed by anyone who is not a XP-Pen representative or an authorized XP-Pen service provider;

Other acts which are not the fault of XP-Pen, including damage caused by shipping;

Cosmetic damage, including but not limited to dents or scratches in decorative, structural, or nonoperative parts resulting from normal Purchaser use;

Spillage of food or liquid, corrosion, rust or incorrect voltage; and the defective function of the cellular system or inadequate signal reception by the external antenna, or viruses or other software problems introduced into the Product.

8. XP-Pen does not warrant that the operation of this Product will be uninterrupted or error-free.

9. This limited warranty will also be null and void in any of the following events:

The serial number or warranty seal on the Product has been altered, defaced or removed;

Any term contained in this limited warranty has been altered or modified in any way without prior written consent of XP-Pen;

XP-Pen has not been notified by Purchaser of the alleged defect or malfunction of the Product during the applicable warranty period.

10. If the Product is returned to XP-Pen after the expiration of the warranty period, XP-Pen’s normal service policies shall apply and Purchaser will be charged accordingly.

XP-Pen assumes no obligation or liability beyond that which is expressly provided for in this limited warranty.

All warranty information, pricing, product features and specifications are subject to change.

11. This limited warranty provides Purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy to be provided by XP-Pen. The agents, employees, distributors, and dealers of XP-Pen Products are not authorized to make modifications to this limited warranty or make additional warranties binding on XP-Pen.




12. XP-Pen's limitation of liability under this limited warranty shall be the actual cash value of the product at the time purchaser returns the product for repair, as determined by the price paid by the purchaser for the product less a reasonable amount of usage or wear and tear. XP-Pen shall not be liable for any other losses or damages such as special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages (including but not limited to loss of anticipated benefits or profits, loss of savings or revenue, loss of data, loss of use of the product or any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of any substitute product or facilities, downtime, any costs of recovering, reprogramming, or reproducing any program or data, any failure to maintain the confidentiality of data stored on the product, the claims of any third parties, including subsequent purchasers, and damage to property, resulting from the purchase or use of the product or arising from breach of this limited warranty, breach of contract, negligence, strict liability, or any other legal or equitable theory, even if XP-Pen knew of the likelihood of such damages. XP-Pen shall not be liable for delay in rendering service under the limited warranty or loss of use during the period that the product is being repaired. Some regions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you.


13. To the extent permitted by law, XP-Pen limits the duration of all implied warranties to the applicable product warranty period stated above, including but not limited to the implied warranty of merchant ability or fitness for a particular purpose and warranties against hidden or latent defects. Some regions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.

14. To The Extent Permitted By Law, This Limited Warranty And Remedies Set Forth Are Exclusive And In Lieu Of All Other Warranties, Remedies And Conditions, Whether Oral, Written, Statutory, Express Or Implied. This limited warranty allocates risk of Product failure between Purchaser and XP-Pen, and XP-Pen's Product pricing reflects this allocation of risk and the limitations of liability contained in this limited warranty.

15. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from region to region.


For Artist/ Star series product,

Artist Series Product


1. major cosmetic defects that distract from drawing

a. large scratches over 1 inch long that were created by the stylus

2. all hardware malfunctions that interfere with normal use

a. defective cords

i. “No signal” error

ii. “Tablet not found” error

iii. Display not turning on, power LED shining red

b. defective tablets

i. display anomalies: serious discoloration/glitching not affected by adjusting display settings

ii. 22E shortcut keys not functioning + no “express keys” tab in driver settings

c. defective styluses

i. no pen pressure in all software including driver settings

ii. cursor offset greater than (3)cm that is not caused by incorrect display settings

d. dead pixel

a big dead pixel or many small dead pixels on the display


don’t allow:

1. small cosmetic defects w/ no effect on drawing

a. small defects/scratches on the border area of the monitor (non-active area)

2. small, smooth scratches on the display under 1 inch long that were not present when the tablet was received

3. 1-2 small dead pixel on the display


Star Series Product


1. large, deep scratches that interfere with drawing and were caused by the included stylus

2. hardware malfunctions

a. “Tablet not found” error

b. no pen pressure in all software including driver settings

c. shortcut keys not working

d. stylus clicking/drawing while not touching tablet surface

e. stylus not working + indicator light not responding to pen input




Don’t allow

1. cosmetic scratches that do not interfere with drawing

2. deep scratches caused by neglect or anything other than the stylus


Contact XP-Pen

To make a claim under this warranty, contact XP-Pen at:



CALL CENTER: +1 657-445-6129

* This contact information may change without notice. Please contact your authorized XP-Pen retailer for updated contact information.


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